On 3-4 February 2022, the workshop Lime based materials for repairing historic Structures, RILEM TC 277-LHS, organized by RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) will take place in hybrid form, and in particular by the TC Committee 277-LHS concerning Specifications for testing and evaluation of lime-based repair materials for historic structures.
Our company, as an active member of RILEM and a supporter of actions related to the correct applications and rehabilitation techniques, participates via sponsorship in the laboratory.
The scientific workshop is dedicated to the memory of Professor Luigia Binda (Technical University of Milan), Dr. Eric F. Hansen, Getty Institute of Conservation and Dr. Thorborg Von Konow of the Conservation Institute.
The speeches start on Thursday 3-02-2022 at 10:00 and end on Friday 4-02-2022 at 15:00. On Friday 4-02-2022 and time 11: 15-11: 30, you can watch the speech of Ms. Ioanna Mikrou, representative of our company, who will present the “Problems and challenges regarding raw materials used in restoration of monuments and historic buildings. Supplier’s point of view”.