Reading.. about Leader Programs, Tourism and Eco-Structure
Reading our news 23-07-2019

Greece is an attraction of tourist interest with great growth in recent years. The tourist units are increased and enriched with new small traditional boutique hotels, settlements, hostels and listed buildings with change of use.

The goal is common ~ the formation of a new field in the provision of tourism service.

Ecological construction is a unique and innovative element of diversification.

In the context of LEADER programs, which concern almost all the country, eligibility criteria and assessment, among others, it is stated that “during the implementation, the integration of innovation processes and use of new technologies and environmentally friendly processes is targeted. In addition, companies in the intervention area are given the opportunity for energy saving actions with corresponding reduction of emissions of pollutants.”

Building materials at all stages of their life cycle are a critical parameter for the implementation of environmentally friendly construction.

The materials of our company, provide complete information for each building material, in order to allow the evaluation and selection of materials, those that have the least environmental impact.

The environmental friendliness of building technologies depends on four key factors:

·         the amount of fossil fuel energy they consume at all stages of their life cycle,

·         the renewability and adequacy of the natural resources from which they originate,

·         from the quantities of recyclable waste produced,

·         the degree of toxic and House-toxic effects they exert on the internal air quality of buildings, on the health of users and on the environment.

The ecological construction is designed to reduce the strain on non-renewable natural resources which in the long term tend to be exhausted, and the limitation of negative impacts on the environment at every stage of the life of the materials and products used in a building.

By ecological materials we mean ‘traditional materials’, such as those used in construction before the industrial era. They come from natural resources that many of them are in abundance or are renewable (wood, sand, stones, aquifers, etc..). They do not include synthetic materials, which are new materials with unknown, in several cases, effects. They have been used for a long time, and therefore any negative effects on the environment and human health, which are zero, are known. Their treatment processing requires small energy inputs. Finally, they have a longer life span, hence greater savings in natural resources.

Use the traditional mortars of DALAKFOUKI OIKOS, benefit from the subsidized LEADER programs and create innovative tourist units !