Mind the map adapts according to the needs and the aesthetics of each space.
We are very proud of this application which is a milestone for future applications for the tactile maps of Mind the Map.
With the trust and the excellent cooperation of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Lesvos, we placed a three-dimensional tactile map for the navigation of the visually impaired visitors at the entrance of the newly designed site of the Sanctuary of Kaveira, in Lemnos.
The map is made of non-porous material so that it harmonizes with the rules of hygiene in the post-covid era!
The topographic representation of the area on the map is an important addition, due to the location of the archeological site.
All this would not have been possible without the continuous guidance and support of the KEAT Center for Training and Rehabilitation of the Blind.
Finally we would like to thank Apostolos Papapostolou for the audio engineering and Eliza Gerontakis for the voice over in the audio descriptions of the map. Her voice is the voice of Mind the Map.