And now at the end of this year, loaded with so much hope and expectation, we remain at a loss when we look back.
This year all of us, without exception, faced ourselves.
We became witnesses and part of history, we lived the unpredictable, our patience, our endurance, our faith were tested!
The word absence prevailed within us. Absence of contact, hug, movement, creation, health, freedom..
The void we must fill is great and great is the challenge to fill it with new hopeful beginnings, with the people we love and who these months have deprived us, with what we feel will make us better parents, partners, friends, colleagues. With trips to new unknown destinations and old acquaintances for the sweetness of memories.
We experienced something that happened for the first time in the history of mankind. Something that concerned every form of life directly or indirectly. If this cannot make us wiser, more ready to live a life full of meaning and truth then what?
My wish for the new full of hope year that is coming is not to let fear and suspicion infect us with bitterness.
To believe in people, to embrace them and to understand them.
To heal in soul and body, not to lose our faith and hope, to take care of the need of our neighbor.
May we all have a year that will bring us closer than ever!